May is Wine Month

May is Wine Month, a time when vineyards and wineries celebrate the art and joy of winemaking. It's a celebration that brings together wine enthusiasts, connoisseurs, and novices alike to explore the rich flavors and aromas of various wines.

During May is Wine Month, vineyards often host special events such as wine tastings, vineyard tours, and food pairings. These events provide an excellent opportunity for visitors to learn about the winemaking process, from grape to glass, and to appreciate the skill and craftsmanship that goes into producing each bottle.
One of the highlights of Wine Month is the opportunity to discover new wines. Wineries often release limited edition or special wines during this time, giving wine lovers a chance to taste unique and exclusive creations.

In addition to tasting events, many wineries offer educational workshops and seminars where visitors can deepen their knowledge of wine production, grape varieties, and wine pairing techniques. These experiences can be both enjoyable and informative, allowing participants to expand their appreciation for the world of wine.

Wine Month also provides a platform to celebrate the local wine industry and its contributions to the economy and culture. It's a time to recognize the hard work of winemakers, vineyard workers, and everyone involved in bringing delicious wines to our tables.

Visit our local vineyards and taste our local wines, made from our freshly grown grapes and blueberries!

Bannerman Vineyard: Situated in Burgaw, NC, Bannerman Vineyard is a family-owned winery known for its picturesque setting and quality wines.

Gregory Farms and Vineyards: It's known for its beautiful rural setting and picturesque views. The farm and vineyard frequently hosts events such as wine tastings, events, live music, and special gatherings. These events provide a fantastic opportunity to experience the farm's hospitality and sample their wines.