Sea Turtle Hospital News Those crazy Kemp’s are still going after our local pier pickings. They’re being snagged so quickly that we no sooner get one in, “de-hook” them and get them settled in a tank than we’re getting another phone call with one or more en-route. Veteran anglers pretty much know the drill by now, but if it’s your first close-up with a hooked turtle the two most...

Sea Turtle Hospital News Winter may have finally departed our coast but the memory lingers on – at least as far as cold-stunned turtles go. We’re getting in our crop of what we call “spring greens,” small greens that have probably been stunned, warmed up and stunned again, possibly multiple times. They’ve finally become debilitated enough to strand, emaciated and covered in barnacles and...

During a September 2017 Pender County Board of Commissioners resoundingly approved the idea of naming a portion of US Hwy 17 after Ambassador Mattie R. Sharpless, a Hampstead native. On May 10, Pender County turned out to honor one of their own as the idea became a reality. A dedication ceremony, conducted on the steps of Manhollow Missionary Baptist Church, named a portion of US Hwy 17 was named in honor of Sharpless. Sharpless,...

Scallywags Weekend is almost here! This May 4-6 event will celebrate all things pirates and mateys! This family-friendly event will include a pirate encampment, parrots, a low country shrimp, Blackbeard's Market, boat rides aboard the Tiki Queen and the pirate ship, The Raven. Go to our Facebook page, Scallywags Weekend for updates and news. One of the activities of the weekend is the Scavenger Hunt. Visit these...

Scallywags Weekend has several components - a movie night, a pirate encampment, a low country shrimp boil, Pirate Olympics, a scavenger hunt, Blackbeard's Market, and rides aboard The Raven and a Pirate Show at The Raven! The weekend will kickoff Friday, May 4, with the Pirate Encampment and the movie, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales at Soundside Park. The movie will begin around 8:15 p.m. Bring...